Whew! I hope everyone had an awesome weekend! Mine was pretty hectic, chaotic, but so much fun. In retrospect, I guess it had to be because the whole weekend revolved around three things that are near and dear to my heart - running, spectating, and soccer (and yes...in that order!)
After taking a whopping THREE consecutive days off from running this week to rest, heal, and restore my faith and passion for this sport, I woke up bright and early Saturday excited to make my first attempt at something I've never done before. I was going to run from my apartment in Flushing Queens to Central Park in Manhattan! Although on the surface neither the distance nor the running seems extremely challenging, but negotiating the narrow streets of Queens saturated with cars and traffic lights at seemingly every corner can be quite intimidating. But after hearing a good route as suggested by a friend who bikes to the city frequently, I decided to use the bike lanes on an early weekend morning to make my trip into the city.
I packed everything I would need and was out of the door by 7:30AM. Although I was anxious and didn't know what I could find on this run, the whole journey from Flushing to Central Park was entirely stress-free and relaxing. There were minimal cars on the road.
Bikes were few and far in between and there were street signs with arrows and directions on how to get to Manhattan. Sweet! I didn't see many other runners but I made sure to greet or say hi to all the ones I did. Once at the bridge though, I did run up behind two twentysomething lads who seemed to be running super fast. They seemed comfortable and were chattering away when I came up behind them. They must have felt my presence because they immediately sped up again. I kept them in my sights and pushed my pace hard. Eventually, I finally caught up to them on the outskirts of Central Park. I thanked them for guiding my travel and pushing my speed as I finished up this ten mile run with a 6:55 final stretch. Average pace came out to be 7:20 min/mi which I was pretty satisfied with.

All-in-all, it was such a fun experience exploring new sights and running into the city. I'm sure I'll be repeating this run multiple times in the upcoming months ahead as I prepare for Chicago on 10/10.
[The weather was so perfect that I went out for a chopsticks (11) mileage run Sunday morning as recovery and ended up running faster than I did yesterday (avg pace was 7:15). Go figure. I also did about 4 "extra" miles this afternoon on a run to my parents house because I was tired of waiting for the bus.]
After ten miles of running, racing and dodging weekend traffic, i was a little pooped by the time I got to Central Park. I barely had time to catch my breath when one of the park volunteers instructed the pedestrians to get off the course because the race was about to start. Was I late to my own race? Luckily no. You see, this past Saturday was the race day for the Mini 10K, a womens only race organized by the NYRR to commemorate the first organized race that catered to women. It's always a popular event and I try to be there every year to spectate and cheer on the ladies as they race through one full loop of the park. This year was especially exciting because Paula Radcliffe and Kara Goucher (both 6 months pregnant by the way) were planning to run the race too. [Unfortunately we would find out later that Kara hurt her back a short while ago and was forbidden to run this one by her coach Alberto Salazar. Bummer!]
I watched, cheered, and took pictures at mile 5 of the course with some Flyer friends. It was a cool but humid day so some women came through with huge smiles on their faces while others were sucking wind by that point and just wishing that the race would
end! Paula came through in the middle of the pack with a barely perceivable baby bump and a huge grin on her face. It was obvious she was enjoying herself out there. I tried to cheer and take pictures at the same time but those specific multi-tasking skills were not up to par as I would often not get my camera ready in time until the racer was already passed me. (See Paula's picture...enough said!) I did see many Flyers and friends as they passed by which made me both happy that they were doing well and sad that I wasn't or couldn't run this one with them. It really was awesome though to see everyone out on the course that I ordinarily don't see when I'm running.
After the race, I headed over to the finish (having received a tip from a friend) and found
Kara signing autographs and talking with her million and one admirers. Watching her up-close, I was impressed that she does not look one bit like she's pregnant (unless you knew and focused on her belly). Otherwise, she appeared just as cool, calm, collected and cute as she'd been when I first met her a couple of years ago. She was really patient with everyone and answered almost everyone's questions. It was all just so awesome to see.
After the race, (and some brunch) it was time to hit the bar for some World Cup soccer. Woohoo! Now I don't claim to be a fanatic. Some would even say I'm hardly a fan, since I don't play and I watch the sport with almost the same frequency as I do curling, but for four weeks every four years, I fall in love with the game for several personal reasons.
First of all, it is almost the only sport that my entire extended family can bond over.
Since my family, including all my uncles and aunts, are all immigrants from China/Hong Kong where the game is a national past-time, it will be an inevitable topic of conversation at the next family function. Hence, it would serve me well to know a little something about the happenings in the World Cup.

Similarly, I love soccer and the World Cup because it reminds me of my late grandfather. Gramps was a no-nonsense all-work, no-play kind of guy who worked in a garment factory from dawn til dusk five, and sometimes six days a week. Although I lived with my grandparents for a long period of time in my early childhood, I hardly saw him except for an hour or two everyday and on the rare weekend day he had off. Yet, I do remember how crazy/fanatical Gramps was about soccer. Every night, he would fall asleep with an earbud listening to the radio broadcast of a local soccer match. On random nights, he would even miss dinner and not tell anyone that he snug off to watch a big soccer match. He even took me with him a couple of times and tried to explain the game to me. But because I was like 4 or 5 at the time, I had no idea what I was watching and no matter how happy and excited Gramps got explaining the game to me, I couldn't see and couldn't understand what all the fuss was all about. This was extremely frustrating to me. So I never went back with him even though those were about the happiest times I've ever seen my grandfather.
My gramps passed when I was only ten so I never got a chance to watch and talk soccer with him. I know he would have thoroughly enjoyed watching the World Cup. I know I do now when I see an amazing play on the field and think of him trying to explain the rules and action to me, smiling and laughing at my confusion and ignorance.
sounds like a fantastic weekend! it's always fun to find new routes in the city that aren't too crazy! I love the Mini 10K - one of my favorite races - I'm sorry I had to miss it this year.
wicked fun weekend for sure! you totally sound calm and excited again about running. very zen :)
sounds like a fun weekend! glad the new path to the city worked out for you!
Great job on the runs over the weekend! Seems like you and running are getting along well! So jealous you got to see Paula and Kara at the 10k over the weekend!!
So fun Lam! I love your idea of running into the city although I"d be terrified of the NYC drivers!!
Hi Lam,
I am so impressed that you ventured out from your neighborhood and ran to Central Park! It sounds like you had a really nice 10 mile run:) Way to stick with the young lads:)
So you got to see Kara!?! That is so cool! I am hoping to see her at the expo for Grandma's this weekend:) Take care Lam:)
sounds like you had a fun weekend...and thanks for being out there and cheering on saturday!! here's to 10/10/10...
PACKED weekend! You've been busy
Thanks for all the comments and feedback!
Lisa - Yes, it is always fun to find new ways to run to new places. I do that often to keep running interesting. Mini 10K is really fun! I hope you get to do it next year!
marathonmaiden - I'm definitely getting excited again. It's been a while since I've been able to say that so I'm appreciating it more now. Thanks.
Jamie - Thank you! New path is definitely do-able, especially on weekend mornings!
J - We're getting along better. Paula and Kara definitely made the 10K race a bit more interesting.
runningcommentaries - I am terrified too! That's why I'm sticking to only doing that on weekend mornings.
Lauren - Thank you. Rut is taking a hiatus...for now!
Julie - Those young lads definitely gave me a run for my money. I could hardly keep up! Yeah, meeting Kara was so fun. I actually met her last year at another function but I never tire of meeting her!
nyflygirl - Yep, yep! Mini 10K is always a fun one to spectate! You ran a great race under the circumstances so you should be proud!
whataboutsummer - Yeah, but busy is good I guess. I don't think I'd want it any other way!
I love "destination" runs like that. Make me feel accomplished for some reason. How far is the run? Did you cheat and take the subway home? ;-)
Chopsticks run... never thought of that one. Since I stink at running long lately maybe I can make a bargain with myself to run 11 and then get sushi :) yummmm.
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