Sunday, December 23, 2007

My Personal Christmas Celebration

I made it out to the park today, in the wind, and sub-freezing temps
And ran 9.25 miles, among the forests and the trees.
The effort was hard; the pace uneven and slow.
But somewhere in the back stretches of muddy reservoir road,
I completed the year long journey of running 1000 miles, and I am happy.
My own Christmas present to myself.

Merry Christmas and Happy Holidays to All!


Topher said...

Congratulations! That's awesome, and with a week to spare, too.

Unknown said...

C'mon, we know you can crank out another 100 before the year is out!

But seriously, that is great. Keep up the good work!

nwgdc said...

woo hoo! congrats! now pass the eggnog

Jamie said...

Way to get out there! Congrats, that is really great!!! Now it's time to celebrate :)

triguyjt said...

laminator--nice blog. saw your nyc marathon time. 3:08. excellent. I also read the dramatic increase that you had in miles, and decreased time on the half... hey, it wasn't steriods at all?? You were just that much more determined.
Yes, steve in a speedo is wack, but we enjoy his posts and his wackiness./ Wait, maybe I shouldn't use wack when it comes to steve in a speedo. anyway. best in training.

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