Monday, October 22, 2007

A Little Inspiration for NYCM

In honor of my running buddies RB and MA, who are both dealing with various knee ailments and having doubts about the marathon, and the piece of 1st Avenue I passed by everyday on my way to work, which will be affectionately renamed Mile 17.8 after November 4th, I present this video for your entertainment and running inspiration. (Is it working yet?)

I don’t know about you, but after watching this, I can’t wait to go run. Bring it on, NYC!


Anonymous said...

yer killin me...

3 days after my first marathon and I see this... When I should be thinking about relaxing and gloriously short mileage I see this and I want it... I REEEAALLLY want it. Even though I'm almost an hour away from the qualifying time...

...I need therapy...

Nancy said...


that. was. cool.

we all need therapy.

Arron said...

very cool. now i gots to go run!! later.

nwgdc said...

wow, that was sweet. going to have to add it to my "On My Radar" list!

Anonymous said...

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