Sunday, November 4, 2007

Boston Beware: The Laminator Is Coming To Town

Someone please inform the BAA to make some room at the starting line, the Laminator just qualified to run next year's Boston Marathon, with a spectacular run today at the NYCM with a time of 3:08:19! It wasn't pretty, especially during the last 6.2, but I did manage to push back the wall, the cramps, and the urge to pee and defecate all over myself until after the finish line. Like I said, not pretty. I owe a lot of this to all the kind words and encouragement I've received the last few days. Thank you all. Right now, I have to take a long shower and an even longer nap. I'm really digging all the sentiments of this video right now. Will be back tomorrow or the next day for a full race report, once my legs are done hating me for running my best marathon ever!


Frayed Laces said...

Wow! Way to go! A BQ! I hope you go party like a rockstar this week. I really want to hear the details (even the "not pretty" ones) since I am facing my first marathon in about a month. Awesome if you write a post about it, but if you don't want to make it public please please share with me!

Arron said...


Anonymous said...

You RIPPED IT!!! Way to fly man! You keep this up and they are going to start asking you for your water bottles to put with the other elite runners!
I'll call the boys at BAA and have them make a hole for you on the starting line and dust off that podium for ya!

Great job!

Debbie said...

Congratulations! That's awesome! So happy for you.

nwgdc said...

You are the man! Congrats!

jb24 said...

Congratulations on your BQ! Well deserved.

Jamie said...

Congrats on the BQ! That is so freaking awesome!

The Laminator said...

You people are too much! Thanks so much for all the congrats. I'm working on a long detailed race report to show my appreciation. It'll be out soon. Thanks again.

Nancy said...

OMG that's FANTASTIC!!!!! Nobody asks "how" they just ask "if" you qualified. It doesn't have to be pretty.

( do you know that I did my half in 2:59?? you run twice as fast as me for twice as far. that is so cool.)

Anonymous said...

Congratulations, Laminator, on your BQ! I can't wait to read your race summary and how it went down. The last 6.2 is a separate story. Get plenty of rest and share the deails.

Trakmaniak said...

Congrats on your's awesome...with the conditions that you were going through, my gosh, that's a feat by itself!

You were 9 seconds in back of me...weird! Maybe we passed each other along the course!

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